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Online Mole Challenge!


Week 3 Analysis!

So another week is in the books, and of course... I definetly miss the deadline and take a HUGE hit with penalties for the quiz... aweeesommee! =/

Im pretty sure I was supposed to put the gameface on this week since it was our first week of no inactives, and I dropped the ball! Computer problems, plus a million labs to do (even during my week off) was enough to keep me distracted so I ended up not posting my picture for the celeb challenge! (Major props to Padraig for totally leading on that, and on Ryan for the great guesses) The google earth thing I KNEW I would be terrible at.. its not that I cant use the program, but that I hate hate hate anything to do with geography, so I figured that to be a lost cause.

I am however pleased with the way the live challenge went! Albeit a little scary that someone might have messed that one up.. it would have been a pretty easy one for the mole to sabotage.. but we worked it out nicely, so that's always good!

Next week (If Im still around :/) will be a different story! I've got a pretty good feel on who the mole is, so I figure I'm good for this week... lets hope!!



Week 2 Analysis / Bye Bye Brentin!

Well... another week in the books.. and I still feel as though the game is pretty idle!!
Considering the fact that another inactive player was executed... I got sort of lucky. I forgot to send in a private confessional.. and took a pretty nasty penalty on my quiz score.. ouch. That could come back to haunt me on a future tie-breaker or something like that... but we'll have to see what happens!

As for Brentin... its a shame we had another inactive player, and it's pretty tough to write anything about someone you've never had the chance to really meet.. so the best I could say would be... thanks for keeping me around for one extra week! =D lol...

Onto the challenge analysis (I'll keep it short.. I'm hungry.. haha)

Sharks n Minnows: I totally stayed out of that one... toooo much arguing / debate / technicalities for my liking, all to fight over an exemption. I guess I took the approach Brentin was toast, so I didn't really care... oops!

Tetris: Laaaaaaaaaame! What an awesome idea for a challenge... totally blown. Ugh... whats ironic.. I pretty much play Tetris online over the net via Nintendo DS everyday.. Im one of the top 500 players in the world... 8 line double tetris in 6 seconds flat.. because Im crazy like that!

Bullseye: I'm still kind of scratching my head over this one... I don't remember seeing in the rules saying that answering more than 3 questions FORFEITS those questions... I know that it "ends" the challenge... but I was the last one to answer (again assuming Brentin was inactive) so I figured I'd take the chance.. and it blew up in my face! What can you do eh? Don't expect any silly errors on my part this week thats for sure!

Cheers all! See you at the challenge tonight... the dynamic of the game is slowly shifting into something alot more strategic. No more inactives to mess up the strategy / flow of the game. Lets have a good week team!



Week 1.5-ish

No surprises Heidi is gone... so I won't even bother with that...

Im excited for the next week, I've got a good feeling the game will REALLLLLYYY get rolling, and we'll finally start to put some money into the pot! I definetly appreciate the feedback from Compound 19 on my blog! I'll be working on it a bit more this weekend once I'm finished with all these stupid midterms. It also seems like we've figured out the AIM problems, so its just a matter of people actually coming online in order to figure things out! Sorry I haven't been on too much lately... many many midterms, including a cute math one I have today.

Speaking of: This one is for Sam, one of my favorite "proofs" that any math nerd [part or not ;) ] will enjoy.

Can you spot the contradiction?? This one is pretty easy =)

Cheers all! Agents: Go on AIM! And I'll see you all in episode 2 (whew!)



Week 1 (part 2!)

So what seemed like a LONG week (school has been such a distraction its unbelievable) both in game, and in life... We're FINALLY through week one!! Apparently I'm no good at this blogging thing.. because I lost our team cash??!.. Definetly confusing to say the least. Nothing like the first week in the red (I dare you to ask me how much money is in my own bank account..:P)

We're off to a rocky start, but I would imagine with time... once a couple of the inactives are toast, we should be in business! I'm still a little bitter about this whole AIM thing though... agents, if you're reading this... I think we need to head to the forum.. and set a time for ALL OF US to be online.. even if its just for a HALF HOUR.. to actually TALK to eachother... I've talked to like 2 agents in the first week.... and even then, for 15 tops! GRR! Not impressed...

Oh well, better luck next week I hope!
Cheers! K


Week 1...

Alright so... after being a total loser and missing the first challenge! Its a mad scramble to finish up these blogs, and not many people posted information about their secret lives!! How frustrating... grrr.. Well there's still a day left, so lets hope everyone gets their act together and we sort this out!!

Everyone needs to get on AIM too... I feel so lonely sitting here with no one to talk to :(.. Haven't even met 70% of the agents yet!! Oh well... week 1 has been messy, but Im sure things will settle down soon! Lets just hope I'm not the first one to get executed... =P



Jussssssst A Test!

Well... its just over an hour away from the first challenge.. and I'm psyched! This should be fun.. it ALWAYS is fun... just testing out this whole blogger thing! It kind of sucks that we're going in blind, not getting to talk to anyone though... oh well! See you all tonight :)