The OMC 5 Homepage!

Online Mole Challenge!


Week 3 Analysis!

So another week is in the books, and of course... I definetly miss the deadline and take a HUGE hit with penalties for the quiz... aweeesommee! =/

Im pretty sure I was supposed to put the gameface on this week since it was our first week of no inactives, and I dropped the ball! Computer problems, plus a million labs to do (even during my week off) was enough to keep me distracted so I ended up not posting my picture for the celeb challenge! (Major props to Padraig for totally leading on that, and on Ryan for the great guesses) The google earth thing I KNEW I would be terrible at.. its not that I cant use the program, but that I hate hate hate anything to do with geography, so I figured that to be a lost cause.

I am however pleased with the way the live challenge went! Albeit a little scary that someone might have messed that one up.. it would have been a pretty easy one for the mole to sabotage.. but we worked it out nicely, so that's always good!

Next week (If Im still around :/) will be a different story! I've got a pretty good feel on who the mole is, so I figure I'm good for this week... lets hope!!


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